This blog is part of my ongoing effort to maintain a record of my written communication expressing concern about what is presently going in the U.S.
Florida has a bill up for consideration this legislative session (SB100) entitled Display of Flags by Government Entities:
Display of Flags by Governmental Entities; Defining the term “governmental entity”; prohibiting governmental entities from erecting or displaying certain flags; requiring governmental entities to remain neutral in certain circumstances; authorizing a current or retired member of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard to use reasonable force to prevent the desecration, destruction, or removal of the United States flag or to replace such flag to a position of prominence, etc.
Many people view this bill as an effort to keep Pride and Black Lives Matter flags out of government buildings. In my view, the bill continues to shine the spotlight on divisiveness rather than on unity. I believe that unifying people is part of the responsibility of governments at all levels (local, state, national). I oppose the bill because I think "objective" interpretation of political neutrality, in the current mood of Florida and the nation, is far more likely to lead to subjective and biased interpretation than objectivity. The following letter was focused on promoting unity rather than further divisiveness in opposition to SB100.
Written on March 3, 2025 to my FL state senator and FL state representative:
I am writing as one of your constituents to encourage you to vote against SB100 (Display of Flags by Governmental Entities). I do not disagree with the premise of the bill which appears to be to preserve political neutrality in government buildings. My concern is that what is or is not politically neutral is vulnerable to subjective interpretation and therefore, equally vulnerable to bias. If the state of Florida continues to pass laws that are vulnerable to subjective interpretation, we risk inflaming or promoting further divisiveness. I grew up in Florida and this is not consistent with the Florida I know or the Florida I want.
I would prefer that we consider bills that are more resistant to cultural or political bias, that focus on unifying rather than dividing. I may be naive on this, but why not simply restrict flags in Florida government buildings to the U.S. flag and the Florida flag with a clear message that reflects the mission of Florida government. Perhaps, a statement along the lines of "Florida strives to protect, educate, and improve quality of life for all Floridians".
I fully understand that sometimes the voices of underrepresented groups can seem too loud or too aggressive, but instead of responding in a hostile way to such messaging, I strongly support crafting a positive and neutral message. As Floridians, we need to do what we can to stop riding the negative wave that the current culture wars seem to be on.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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