This blog is part of my ongoing effort to maintain a record of my written communication expressing concern about the actions of the current presidential administration that lead to unnecessary (and in some cases cruel) harm to others, to the U.S., or to the global community.
I wrote the following letter regarding concerns over the increasingly negative impact of the Supreme Court's 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission which ultimately gave more influence and power over our federal elections to corporations and the ultra wealthy few in the U.S.
More about Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
While 2010 was quite a while ago, the increasing impact of the 2010 decision is being felt in a big and ultra concerning way in recent elections. HJR 54 is a resolution to support a constitutional amendment that limits the rights protected by and stated in the U.S. constitution to natural persons only (and not to corporations).
How to reach your U.S. Senators:
How to reach your U.S. Representative:
Dear Senator <Name>,
Dear Representative <Name>,
As one of your constituents, I am writing to urge you to support HJR 54, the We the People Amendment, to ensure that the vote and will of the American people are the primary force behind selecting our leaders and guiding our norms, policies, and laws in the U.S.
Corporations are not people. Money is not speech. The Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission handed a disproportionate and growing amount of influence and power in our elections to those who have money ... both corporations and the ultra wealthy few in the United States.
Money pays for propaganda and influence that the ordinary American cannot compete with. And the transparency presumed to prevent the Citizens United decision from increasing corruption and limiting influence in American politics to a select few has not materialized. Now more than ever, I am deeply concerned that our leaders and legislators are pressured into serving the interests of corporations and the ultra wealthy few instead of us, the people. Corporate interests, power, and greed have become far too influential in policy priorities and decisions.
If not HJR54, then please act and act quickly to restore the balance in our democracy, so that the voice, vote and influence of ordinary Americans on our federal government is on par with the voice and influence of other entities and the wealthy. The U.S. Constitution makes no mention of corporations or other organized entities exerting power over the will of the people. Yet, here we are, in exactly such a situation. Money and power must not be the determining influences in our government; by definition, this denies us democracy.
<Name of Constituent>
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