Friday, March 1, 2024

Parc Guell in Barcelona

While Sagrada Familia allowed for a combination of a Wowsy Artsy and Awestruck Spiritual moment, the Parc Guell, also designed by Antoni Gaudi, felt more like I was entering into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.  

In the early 1900's, Eusebio Guell commissioned Gaudi to design this place as a residential area for rich families, but only two of sixty plots of land were sold to said families, so the park and its Gaudi creations reverted back to land and park for the masses... which ironically, is now so popular that only a limited number of the public are allowed into the park on a daily basis.  There is a certain smug satisfaction in knowing that this odd but talented, fairy-tale-like architecture has reverted back to being accessible and enjoyed by ordinary folk. 

But, I really think that Barcelona should consider making chocolate inside the park's boundaries -- and inviting Willy over once in a while to optimize the manufacturing process.   

Or alternatively, the park could be integrated into any number of fairy tales... and then Disney could get a hold of it, turn Gaudi into an excessively cute and animated character, and make a movie using the Parc as a setting for a corny plot, and an additional plethora of way-too-cute characters.  

Which, most likely, would cause Gaudi to roll over in his crypt.  

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