This blog is part of my ongoing effort to maintain a record of my written communication expressing concern about the actions of the current presidential administration that lead to unnecessary (and in some cases cruel) harm to others, to the U.S., or to the global community.
I am writing to appeal to you to resist the efforts of the current presidential administration to expand the power of the executive branch while reducing or stonewalling the power of the legislative branch and ignoring the judicial branch. While in the short term, supporting these efforts may further specific political agendas or avoid retribution from a retaliatory President, the threat to American democracy and the abandonment of constitutional principles will only do harm to a vast majority of the American people over the long run.
I strongly encourage you to vote against installing or confirming individuals into government positions who are more loyal to President Trump than the U.S. Constitution (and to take action to remove them quickly when the actions of those confirmed into these positions demonstrate such misdirected loyalty). If President Trump (or any other U.S President for that matter) shifts the loyalty of individuals in the military, FBI, etc from the U.S. constitution to him, you and other members of Congress will become puppets, no longer able to advocate for and support laws that protect your constituents. As I am certain you are aware, your loyalty to the people of <my state> is something I as a <my state> resident count on for a stable and productive livelihood.
It is highly disturbing to me that the Trump administration is now moving to directly control the government whereas in the previous Trump administration, most actions were focused on influencing it. Laws like the 2001 AUMF which provide the executive branch disproportionate power have become highly dangerous and are to be nullified. Additional laws that allocate even more power to the executive branch must be avoided at all costs. Congress must put party politics aside and reassert and recover its function to create, change, and maintain laws of the land that support all Americans, not just a wealthy few.
As an <your occupation> in <your state> and an active citizen committed to this country’s principles and ideals, I respectfully ask that you consider and prioritize the larger picture at play here. Once lost, our adherence to the U.S. Constitution will be difficult to recover and will become not only a national tragedy but a major global disruption.
I encourage you to consider impeaching Trump again or at the very least, working quickly to dispense with political divides and build a coalition within the <Senate or House of Representatives> willing to take forceful and major action as needed to protect ordinary Americans from a looming autocracy.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I beg you to protect ordinary American citizens and especially the people of <your state> whom you represent.
<your name>
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