I am a somewhat crazy, irrational University of Washington Huskies football fan:
To persist in this endeavor even when the Huskies do their annual routine of winning a few exciting games, infusing hope and excitement in fans, players, and coaches alike, only to execute a variation of "crash and burn" during mid-season.... is for some, the definition of masochism. But, I like purple, I love Jake Locker, Keith Price, and now Cyler Miles if he can manage to avoid starting fights for stupid reasons over the next six months. So, the emotional roller coaster ventures ever onward, in a somewhat warped love of college football that I hold close to my heart.
One particularly heartbreaking version of the "crash and burn" scheme involves a continuing failure to capitalize on scoring opportunities, an offense made popular by the Huskies' offense. Failure to capitalize marks the valley of the emotional roller coaster that college football can be, unless you happen to follow a chronically winning team like the University of Alabama. And, what fun is that when your team wins all the time?
The Huskies may make an unbelievable interception, only to fall a few yards short of the end zone at the end of fourth down. Or they may craft a long, arduous march down the football field, consuming long minutes of game time, only to throw an interception just short of the red zone. Or the quarterback may make several masterful plays, one after another, only to.... Ooops, drop the football and turn it over yet again. The variations on the "Failure to Capitalize" theme are seemingly endless, and more often than not, lead to deeply disappointing loss.

Repeated failures to capitalize that lead to repeated painful losses are far more heartbreaking for the Husky players than for me, but still I cringe and flail while watching this process repeat over and over again. Stupidly (or loyally, take your pick) entering into this cycle of heartbreak every fall during football season, I often think of my own failures to capitalize in life and the regrets I carry for not playing the game right at the right time. I could dwell on those thoughts and orchestrate a nice little depression for myself, but most of the time my thoughts wander over to the one who never fails to capitalize.
He does not fail to capitalize on a single ounce of our suffering, our struggle, or drive to serve Him. Every tear is turned to success, sometimes where we can see and often where we cannot. Every moment of despair is turned to a pinnacle of joy... somewhere, somehow. Every frustration, every anger, every injustice, every last bit of suffering experienced by His children is turned for good, against all odds and all simple forms of logic. Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is thrown away. All is capitalized into hope for the hopeless, rest for the weary, and renewal for the brokenhearted:
It's GOD
... and that is even cooler than college football!